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About us

Balcombe School Governing Body

The Governing Bodys overriding responsibility is to support and challenge the Headteacher in promoting school improvement.


The Governing Body is also responsible, along with the Headteacher, for the curriculum, resourcing which encompasses finance and premises, behaviour and safeguarding, policies and staff appointments.


The three major tasks of the Governing Body are to:

1.       Strategic overview:

•    Setting and reviewing the vision and strategy, values and ethos, and the objectives for the school

•    Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets

•    Meeting statutory duties such as those relating to Health and Safety and the National Curriculum


2.       Accountability:

•    Headteacher appointment and performance management

•    Monitoring progress, targets and pupil attainment

•    Community stakeholder engagement

•    Input to the School’s self evaluation


3.       Financial Integrity:

•    Budget analysis and monitoring, including obtaining value for money for spend

•    Risk management


The Governing Body fulfils its statutory duties through regular Full Governing Body meetings and visits to the School. 


Governors are required to sign a Code of Conduct, which sets the expectations, duties and commitment required from Governors in order for the Governing Body to successfully undertake its work.


The Governing Body prepares an annual statement, summarising achievements for the previous academic year.


For copies of Full Governing Body meeting minutes, please contact the School Office.


You are welcome to contact our Chair of Governors, by email or our Clerk to the Governing Body via the School Office:

Balcombe CofE Primary School,

London Road,

Balcombe, West Sussex,

RH17 6HS
Phone: 01444 811403


The Governing Body consists of 14 members:

Governor categories:

•    One  Headteacher (ex-officio)

•    One Staff Governor (elected by staff)

•    One Link Governor (appointed by WSCC)

•    Three Parent Governors (elected by parent body)

•    Three Foundation Governors (one Church ex-officio and two appointed by the dioceses)

•    Five Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body)


Current Vacancies:

•    There are no current vacancies as at October 2024


Our Governing Body Structure:

The Governing Body structure is comprised of a number of Link Governors, working holistically across the School.   The Link Governors are:

•    Curriculum - EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)

•    Curriculum - Key Stage 1

•    Curriculum - Key Stage 2

•    SEND

•    RE

•    Finance

•    Safeguarding

•    Wellbeing

•    Health and Safety

•    Community and Stakeholders

•    Training