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Laura Baird - Parent

Parent Governor

My family and I were delighted to move from London to Balcombe in 2017 and both my children attend Balcombe Primary School. I have always been keen to support the school and initially helped at PTA events in various ways from selling ice lollies to decorating Christmas trees to painting benches. I welcomed the opportunity to get more involved in working collaboratively with the school and wider community as a Governor earlier this year. 


As both a parent and a Clinical Psychologist, I know how vital the primary school years are for a child’s development and I am keen to contribute to ensuring that all the children in the local community continue to thrive at this excellent school. My roles working in and leading NHS psychological therapies services in London mean I have a range of skills that I bring to the Safeguarding Link Governor role. These include knowledge and experience of promoting emotional and psychological wellbeing, child and adult safeguarding, supporting improvement, and promoting inclusion.