Be Respectful | Be Ambitious | Be Resilient | Be Caring | Be Creative | Be Curious | Be the best that you can be | *** Ofsted have rated us GOOD June 2023 - latest report on our homepage ***

Dominique Atwell - Governor


My family and I recently moved to Balcombe from Brighton - flushed with local schools and choice I was uncertain how Balcombe Primary would compare but I have not been disappointed. There is something very special about Balcombe primary school, and I believe the people and the sense of community are at the heart of that.


Upon moving to Balcombe, I wanted to contribute to this fantastic community in the most effective way I could. My extensive career in education is the best way I can do that.  I was a primary school teacher for 12 years and I continue to work in the education sector, training teachers and coaching leadership across a variety of HE ( primary focused) and FE settings ( secondary focus). I am particularly keen to ensure that education is diverse and inclusive for all children so they can fulfil their potential whatever their background or needs. Through my current role at Brighton University, I will offer insight and share ideas around what other schools are doing. I am lucky enough to spend time in a variety of primary schools in the area, allowing me to understand and reflect upon good practice.


I have a strong understanding of what schools need to be successful and I understand their challenges. In my time as a middle leader I had opportunities to write and challenge school development plans and have contributed to the implementation of these which have excelled schools forward. Having partaken in 4 successful OFSTED inspections and being an ICF accredited coach, I am equipped to support our school, ensuring our children have an excellent start to their academic lives. 


I am keen to support the school and all of its dedicated staff who work so hard to keep it running smoothly.