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Rob McIntyre - Co-opted

Co-opted Governor, Community and Stakeholder Link Governor

I have lived in Balcombe for 25 years with my wife Carolyn. Both my children attended Balcombe School and have gone on to follow successful careers in the NHS.

I retired in 2018 when I sold the wholesale tool business I started. Ever since then, I have enjoyed helping at the school as a volunteer whenever the opportunity has arisen. I have extensive management experience, having run a company for over 30 years, and I understand the importance of keeping to budgets.

I have good connections with the village community, being on the committees of the Gardeners Association, the Guerrilla Gardeners and Balcombe Village Fete. I am totally committed to the Balcombe community and understand the importance of the school in village life.

In my personal life, I am passionate about the environment, nature and gardening, and would like to develop these themes within the school if there is an opportunity. I am also passionate about the importance of a rounded state education, and I strongly believe in the role a good school can have in giving every child, whatever their background, the opportunities, encouragement and self-confidence to be the best they can be.