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Oliver Smith - Foundation

Foundation Governor

I moved to Balcombe as a child more than thirty years ago, seeing both my brother and sister attend the school. My eldest child started here in 2020 and he will be joined in 2022 by his younger brother. 

I have worked in Financial Services, in a number of different roles, managing investments for pension funds, charities, and individuals. Alongside analytical and problem-solving ability, this has furnished me with more practical skills in writing business plans, marketing, and managing budgets.

Prior to becoming a Governor, I was Treasurer for Tiggers Preschool. 

As a Governor, I hope that I'll be able to support the teachers and staff in ensuring that children attending our school get the best start in life that we can offer them. 

Balcombe is a fantastic place to live, and the school plays a crucial role at the centre of our community - I hope to serve it well.