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Class Organisation

Class Organisation

Our school comprises 5 classes offering provision to children age 4 – 11. This results in each class comprising of pupils from two year groups.

Currently we have Lake YrR, Coombe Yr1/2, Forest Yr2/3, Spring Yr4/5 and Mill Yr5/6. Where year groups are split this is generally done according to age, with the older children moving in to the next class with the year above, whilst the younger ones remain in the previous class. This of course, does not mean that those children repeat a year of learning; on the contrary, they still have learning activities very much tailored to their needs and ability to ensure they continue to make excellent progress and achieve their potential. This also offers those children the opportunity to be one of the older pupils in the class and take on more responsibility.

Our teachers are incredibly skilled at meeting the needs of two year groups in one class, even though some curriculum areas dictate that different learning objectives are covered. Careful planning is carried out so that no matter which route pupils take through the school, their fundamental learning is not affected.

On occasion, an older child may remain with the younger children in the year group, or a younger child move with the older half of the cohort. This will be considered if felt to be beneficial for the child, but only in exceptional circumstances and if in doing so does not lead to a detrimental impact on other pupils.