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Admission Policy


Balcombe CE Primary School is an academy within the Hurst Education Trust. As such the Trust is the Admission Authority responsible for all decisions in connection with admitting pupils and for the publication of Admission Arrangements which explain how the admissions process will be applied. The trust delegates the responsibility for admissions to the Governing body of the school.  The Arrangements has been written after consultation with the Diocese, Local Authority, Admissions Forum and other schools in the area. 


West Sussex operates a co-ordinated admission scheme for primary schools. Applications should be made on the West Sussex County Council application form available online via the West Sussex County Council website


This website takes you to a link for applications for places either to start in Reception in September or applications for places within the school year for any year group (Applying during the school year).


If you wish to apply to the school for a place within the school year please speak to the school office initially, we will arrange a school tour to help you in your decision making.  The School office will guide you through the process.


The Headteacher, in conjunction with the Governors, considers each application in relation to the existing pupil numbers in each year group.  If our pupil numbers are above our pupil admission number, set by the Local Authority, the governors will decide whether a child can be admitted. Children living in the school catchment area will be given priority in this instance. We will inform you as soon as possible about the decision reached, if your son/daughter is going to join us we will endeavour to arrange a mutually convenient visit before they start with us.


Please see our admissions policy for more information.