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Carolyn Rolph - Parent

Parent Governor, SEND & Pupil Premium Link Governor


I have two children at Balcombe school and regularly volunteer to help with reading in their classes. Before my sons started school they attended Tiggers preschool and I was a member of the committee. This is a role which requires ongoing commitment and has taught me much about the responsibilities of successfully managing an educational organisation.


I understand the role of Parent Governor is to work as part of the Governing body team towards the continued development of the school for the benefit of all children and staff. I take the responsibility of the role seriously.


My career in media saw me developing and presenting significant advertising campaigns along with managing teams of execs. Over the years I’d like to think I have honed skills relevant to the role of Governor. The ability to listen, think strategically, find solutions, make tough decisions, manage budgets and be organised.


I love living in Balcombe and consider it a privilege to be able to offer my time to our local school.