Be Respectful | Be Ambitious | Be Resilient | Be Caring | Be Creative | Be Curious | Be the best that you can be | *** Ofsted have rated us GOOD June 2023 - latest report on our homepage ***

Quotes from our families

‘My child has thrived this year – thank you so much for working so hard to understand what the children need, for introducing a love of learning, and giving them such a super start to their school experience.’


‘Thank you so much for all you have done to support my child. He has had a wonderful year with you. We really appreciate all the exciting things he has done and learned about – he has loved it all!’


‘My son has had the most amazing time being in your class! So a massive heartfelt thank you for teaching and nurturing all the children so well! It has been perfect!’


It will sound like a cliché, but is so true…. We cannot thank you enough for the last year!’


‘You have given our son the best start to school, you’ll be the teachers he never forgets! Thank you for going the extra mile… It was always a comfort to leave him with you, I knew he’d be happy and feel love…. More than just a teacher to us…’


‘I can’t say thank you enough for all the wonderful care, encouragement and teaching you have given to my daughter these last two years. She has really grown in confidence and has been so happy in school.’


‘Thank you for your nurturing nature.’


My daughter has flourished during her time with you, your caring and nurturing approach has given her the best start to her school life.

Thank you for your unwavering support and hard work.’


 ‘The best start to school life possible…we are amazed and so proud of how much our daughter grew and flourished in Reception.’


 ‘wonderful and supportive teachers’


‘Thank you for all your hard work and dedication this year and for making school so welcoming and learning so much fun.’


What do the children say .... ?

‘Magical things happen in class!’

 ‘We do lots of different things and have lots of surprises!’

 ‘The best thing about school is that everyone is your best friend.’

‘When I grow up I want to be a teacher.’